Sh!t is Getting Real Now

img_0001As I mentioned in my last post, as we get closer to the release date, things are moving much faster now. Much to my surprise and delight I received the electronic files, two e-book formats and print PDF, for my debut novel, “The Dark Truth,” from my publisher, Trifecta Publishing House, this afternoon.

I have looked at it in a Windows 10 browser, in Adobe Reader, iBooks, and my Kindle app. All I can say is that it is stunning. Props to Trifecta and their formatter for the amazing work so far. We are in the home stretch now.

I’ve included a piece of art in this post. I am not telling you what the bloody hand represents or what it’s for. Your going to have to buy the book to find out. Let’s just say it’s another one of those little touches that is going to make “The Dark Truth” something you’ll want to own and read again and again.

I wrote a story. Trifecta and many others have turned it into a book. And for that I am eternally grateful to everyone involved.

The book will be available for pre-order Oct. 25, and will be released Nov. 20.

Sh!t is Getting Real Now

Ludicrous Speed – GO!

TheDarkTruth3_850I knew things would pick up quickly as the release date for my debut novel, “The Dark Truth,” approached. From my wonderful publisher, Trifecta Publishing House, moving the date up from February to Nov. 20, to some exciting forthcoming news about the sequel, things are really rocketing along.

Since the story went to the formatter, I have approved the chapter heading font and artwork, finalized a date for a book signing event with my local bookstore, discussed that exciting sequel news with Trifecta (more on that in a few days), and settled on a title for the third book – all of this as the pre-sale is set to begin four weeks from today. Heady stuff.

I have seen the formatted first page of “The Dark Truth.” It is going to be a beautiful book when it’s finished.

I am beyond excited about all of these developments. I don’t know if I will ever be able to devote myself to writing novels full-time, maybe when I retire. But it certainly is thrilling to develop this vocation and share the stories that rattle around in my head.

I am proud to announce that I have confirmed a date for a book signing event at Mockingbird Books in Tracy, Calif., Feb. 23, 2018, from 7 – 9 p.m. PT. I’ll post more details as they become available.

So, to catch you up on some key dates…

Wednesday, Oct. 25 – “The Dark Truth” will be available for pre-order
Monday, Nov. 20 – “The Dark Truth” release
Friday, Feb. 23, 2018 – Meet the author of “The Dark Truth” at Mockingbird Books in Tracy

Be sure to like my author page on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and Instagram, listen to the Get the Knaak podcast, and visit my blog for my rantings and ravings.

Ludicrous Speed – GO!

“The Dark Truth” Picking up Steam

My debut novel, “The Dark Truth,” was sent to the formatter on or about Sept. 17, and a few days ago, my publisher, Trifecta Publishing House, passed along a rough of the first page. I was given a choice of chapter “art,” and I am very happy with the graphic I selected, and I think you will be too. It’s different, but fits with the dark theme of the book.

The custom chapter headings and art are a nice touch that add a nice touch of uniqueness to the volume. My copy of “Dracula,” given to me by my late mother, features some fabulous art that makes the book all the more special.

Everything is on track for the Oct. 25 pre-sale and the Nov. 20 release, and frankly, I can’t wait. Other recent releases from Trifecta are doing quite well on Amazon, and I am looking forward to contributing to that success while making a name for myself as a new horror author.

“The Dark Truth” and its characters have become near and dear to me, and I hope you feel the same when you have the opportunity to read it.

And, no, you don’t get a sneak peek.

“The Dark Truth” Picking up Steam